Friday, April 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beginnings like a New Crayon

First blog is somewhat like a new crayon - it sometimes takes time to look at the perfect new point, the pristine paper cover before you can actually send it into a scribble on paper. Am checking out the beige like colours here on the blog and am looking forward to figuring out how to customize and add some splash. Meanwhile that's probably enough gazing at the new crayon-ness of a first blog and time to jump in.

Went fishing today, caught a Bream, Whiting and Flat Head. Let them all go of course. It's weird. Vegan for so long and now not only eating seafood again but catching fish albeit letting them all go straight away. I don't understand a lot of things about walking around as a human on this planet, I don't even understand myself at times but I think that comes down to how FAST everything is in life now. Remember before mobile phones and internet and fricken GIANT obnoxious televisions with 800 channels? There used to be P E A C E here and there and time to actually think about what you might want to do later or the next day. Now it's go, go, go, go. Feels like a giant build up and the noise, gack!

I feel I'm envying cows in paddocks a little too often. Gosh I remember being a kid and running around in paddocks and noticing thistles and tufts of grass and fencelines seemed so far away and like good ideas to race to if you had a sibling handy. So I think..move to the country? I think not. I like it here 50 metres from the beach but I don't go there anywhere near as often as I should. Why? This is so common. Live near something beautiful and good for you and you get there less than if you had travelled 12 hours by car to set up camp for a week. Is it because it is right there? I don't know. I think too much living in ones head and juggling this thing called 'time' and 'deadlines' and pressure, pressure, pressure.

I dream of an oasis. A little cabin/studio in the woods where I can go paint, throw the paint around, go crazy with charcoals, pens and pastels. Listen to the nothing. Sing a little. Take out my guitar and Harmonica for real after over a decades sabbatical. Would I go regularly or would it become like the beach 50 metres away? Perhaps the difference of having something to climb into would have a more consistent lure.

I'm sure other people feel this need to yell STOP. If things could just slow down enough to know what I really want, who I really am needing to be. And yes meditation would obviously help but like most people the simple thing is too easily overlooked or never tended. I think I am waiting to have time to have time if that makes any sense. It does inside my head but then a lot of things in my head look upside down when I put them out into the ears/eyes of others.

Happy note - I am so glad that I'm the sort of human that gets random bursts of joy in their veins. I have no idea where this came from but I remember it being there since I was a wee bairn. It also happens to me with love. Random bursts. Cool stuff. I really think it's needed to help stay on this planet.